Monday, December 7, 2009

The Meaning of Life According to Jojo

This morning, Gregg asked our 6-year-old, Jordan, what he thought was the meaning of life. Without hesitation, Jordan shot back, “To spend time with each other.”

Not bad for a 6-year-old. Something so simple, yet so easy to miss and overlook. Sometimes it takes children to remind us of the things that are truly important. We can invest so much time in the urgent needs, tasks and responsibilities that we push aside the things that should matter the most: our love for God and people.

Amidst the activity of this season, I hope you are able to pause and reflect on God’s amazing love for you revealed through the gift of his Son, Jesus. And as well, to make the time to enjoy those special people God has placed in your life.

Gotta go. Going to take the two little ones to ride the Christmas train at Ala Moana.