Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Gift

For the most part, the “external conditions” of my life are rarely peaceful. I don’t wake up to a quiet, serene home; I don’t have butler to cook my breakfast or bring me my morning coffee. Neither do I awake to the soothing sounds of waves crashing against the seashore, or to the view of the majestic snow covered mountains.

No, my days are probably a lot like yours—filled with appointments, commitments, carpools, sporting events and children needing love and attention.

While most of us don’t have the opportunity to ease into our day, but are instead, thrust into it, it doesn’t mean that our lives should be absent of peace. Yet, why does it so often seem elusive in our lives?

I think the answer lies where we look for peace.

Several years ago, I read a story about two artists who were asked to paint pictures of peace as they understood it. The first, painted a quiet lake, far back in the mountains. The other painted a raging waterfall, which had a tree hanging over it with a bird nesting on one of the branches.

The first picture, although relaxing, doesn’t as accurately represent peace as the second one. True peace is that which is present in the midst of difficulty. True peace in our lives, is not the result of the absence of conflict, but being able to find peace in the midst of challenging times. It’s an inner peace that’s not determined by our external circumstances.

God offers us the gift of peace through his Son, Jesus. It’s a gift that we experience as we learn to  enjoy each day, accepting what cannot be changed instead of worrying about it, trusting in God’s loving care and wisdom, and surrendering to his purpose and plan for your life.

I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid. (John14:27 TLB)

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