Friday, October 15, 2010

I Am What I Do

This Sunday, Gregg will conclude our Identity Theft series with I Am What I Do.

I have found myself believing the powerful lie that says my worth comes from what I do. This mentality for years led me to live as if my performance was what made me valuable. I would do, do, do…add, add, add wearing myself out to prove my worth and significance. This mentality kept me in bondage through most of my high school years as I battled an eating disorder. I thought if I looked a certain way and accomplished a lot of great things, then I would be content.

When we live this way, we wrongly derive our identity from what we accomplish, what we have and what people think about us. What we do shouldn’t define us. The one who created us should define who we are. If we are not allowing the truth of God’s word to define who we are, then something else will define us.

Our culture sends a lot of messages about achieving success and attaining “outer” beauty, but very little guidance is given as to how we can develop inner peace, beauty and contentment. We’re left to figure a lot of it out for ourselves. Developing this worth doesn’t come from trying harder. It’s not about doing more. It’s believing the truth about God and how He sees you. It’s about becoming the woman that He created you to be. 

1 comment:

  1. So true. I think that's something God is constantly teaching me.
