Friday, February 5, 2010

Catching Mice

Last week, Rebecca called me adamant about the fact that she had just seen a mouse in the kitchen. I calmly assured her that it probably wasn’t a mouse, just a gecko or cockroach. She was SURE that she had seen a mouse, not just once, but twice!

Then, I saw the little critter shoot across the kitchen floor. And then Gregg saw it run into my closet. Oh no, my shoes!

Living in Hawaii, I’ve grown accustomed to seeing geckos and cockroaches in my kitchen and finding frogs in my yard. Shoot, I’m even used to the goose in our backyard that “honks” all night. (Actually, that’s still pretty frustrating). But, I draw the line at rodents, so Gregg and I spent almost two hours tonight buying and setting traps.

Several years ago, Gregg, wanting to buy the children an animal to care for, somehow convinced me that these little furry creatures would make great pets. He and the children went to Petco and returned with two domestic rats. He assured me that I wouldn’t have to care for them . . . because they’re the children’s pets. (Now I don’t know how I keep falling for that line, but I do.)

The only problem was the fact that the rats that they picked were (unbeknownst to us at the time) PREGNANT! Within two weeks, we had 16 “domestic” rats! Gregg conveniently had a business trip during that time and one night they all escaped from their cage and began running around the house. Thankfully, my friend was able to help me capture them and we returned the babies to Petco.

I’ll be sleeping with one eye open tonight. 

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