Friday, January 28, 2011

Three C's-Community

Christianity is more than a religion--it's a relationship with God. During our series, Connecting the Dots, we've discovered that too often there's a disconnect between our faith and how we live our everyday lives. We can compartmentalize God, keeping Him as a "Sunday thing" we do, instead of seeing Him as real and actively involved in the world in which we live. 

We've been learning about three important groups of relationships--the three C's. The first is our relationship with Christ. The second, is our relationship with our community. God desires for us to take this incredible relationship that we have experienced with Christ and share it with the community where we live, work and do life. 

Community is being devoted to loving people and influencing our culture by following Jesus into the broken, hurting world around us.


  1. I am in total agreement that God wants us to connect the dots between Our relationship with Jesus and our community. Sometimes we forget that we are connected rather we like it or not, but it's up to us as to whether that connection reflects God's love or not.
    Thanks Kris for this post. I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog posts. BTW. I was introduced to it by your wonderful mother.

    Gwen S.
