Monday, June 7, 2010

Team Baja

Last Tuesday, Gregg and our oldest daughter, Becca, left for their mission's trip to Baja, Mexico. They've been working in a little village called El Nino. Apparently, one year during an El Nino season, their former village was destroyed and they were relocated to this current location. 

Extreme poverty and lack of clean water are just a couple of the challenges this little village faces on a daily basis. In just five short days, the Ten Days Missions team built 2 homes and a church, which is the focal point of the community. They visited the school and hosted a fiesta where they fed the entire village. 

Here are a few of the pictures they've sent me. They return Tuesday night, tired but rich from their experience.  


  1. They were quite productive in their 10 days.

  2. It was actually an even shorter trip than that...they were only building for three days! Wed. drove in and got settled, Thurs, Fri, & Sat. working, Sunday held a church service for the village. Amazing what they were able to accomplish!
