Friday, January 29, 2010

Same Old Boring Stroke

Yesterday, Justin and Jordan started tennis lessons. They received tennis rackets for Christmas (2008), and have been hitting balls against the garage door for over a year. Armed with rackets, they headed to their lessons and began to learn the basics of tennis.

Last Sunday, Pastor Steve shared about an experience that his boys had with a tennis coach. Let me attempt to explain it to you.

He said that their coach would drill them on the “same old boring stroke” and encouraged them not to come up with something new, fancy, tricky or spectacular. Just the same old boring stroke, executed strong and well.

The church can host a lot of events and do a lot of things, but if we neglect the necessary and foundational things—the  “same old boring stroke” (not really boring, but you know what I mean)—we will fall short of what God desires for us to be.

Every believer should be a disciple and make a disciple—nothing fancy, tricky, new or spectacular, but the essential ingredient to demonstrate God’s love to a needy world.

Same old boring stroke executed strong and well, and the world will never be the same.  


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