Wednesday, August 4, 2010

It's An Emergency!!!

School started this week. Summer’s officially over for our family.

This morning after my morning round of drop offs, I returned home to find that I had missed several calls from Brandon, along with a text that read, “It’s an emergency!”

Needless to say, I was a little worried. This was Brandon’s second day at middle school. A big school. 6th grade. I saw Diary of a Wimpy Kid! What could’ve possibly happened in the 20 minutes since I had last seen him?

I tried calling and texting, but Brandon”s phone went straight to voice mail. Finally, I went to the school to find out what was wrong. Thankfully, Brandon was all right. He thought he had left his schedule at home and with different classes all over campus, he was nervous about getting lost. He had found it buried in his binder.

Yet, even with schedule and campus map in hand, when I picked Brandon up from school, he confessed that he got lost three times! In fact, Brandon sat in one class for the entire hour before he realized that he had attended the wrong class!
But, he assured me that’s nothing for me to be concerned about because his friend got so lost that he was in an “off limits” area.

Hopefully, Brandon will find his way around tomorrow. Although I told him not to text me, “It’s an emergency!” without any details. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hi Kris! Love your blog. Whose left on the home-schooling front? How did you know when it was time to send them off to public school or do you have them in private school? Send me a message at or on FB.

