Thursday, May 20, 2010

I Don't Know What to Do!

While reading my Bible today, I came across 2 Chronicles 20. I love this chapter where Jehoshaphat is outnumbered while facing his enemies.

In verse 2, we’re told that a vast army was coming against Judah. The Bible actually says, they were coming for him! 

Do you ever feel that you’re completely outnumbered when it comes to accomplishing what God has called you to do? Look at how Jehoshaphat responds to his dilemma.

“For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” 2 Chronicles 20:12

Jehoshaphat acknowledged that he had no power to fight.

He even went one step further and told God that he did not know what to do. (This must have instilled great confidence in those under his leadership).

But our eyes are on You. Jehoshaphat trusted God and looked for God to guide him through the challenge.

Over the years, I’ve found myself praying this same little prayer:

Help! I have no strength left. I don’t know what to do. Yet, I trust You to guide me through. 

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