We’ve had an electronics meltdown at our house recently. Within the last two weeks, our computer has fried, our cable box has gone kaput and Gregg left his phone in a cab in the Philippines.
While Gregg was in Manila at the Every Nation conference, I was feeling quite confident of my capability to fix the cable box. How difficult could it be to plug in a few cables, right?
I attached all of the cables, and turned on the box. Nothing. Thinking that I probably did something wrong, I tried again. Still nothing. Kept trying, but only becoming more and more frustrated. Finally, I gave up and blamed the cable company for giving me a defective box.
When Gregg came home and looked at it, he realized that he’d forgotten to tell me about this tiny outlet that was buried beneath the videos in our entertainment cabinet. Once he plugged in the cord to the hidden power source everything began working properly again.
This made me consider the kind of experience that many people have in their relationship with God. They do all of the right things, yet live without experiencing the power of God in their life. They become frustrated with Christianity, possibly even blaming God for His lack of presence in their life.
Yet, they’ve failed to connect to the power source. They’re trying to serve God on their own strength, on their own terms instead of surrendering and trusting in the grace and power that God supplies.
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9